Impact on Career of
a Drug Conviction
Will a conviction for a drug crime impact your career? It will depend to a large extent on the seriousness of your charges and what your career is. If you are convicted with gross misdemeanor controlled substance crime for having less than 0.25 grams of a narcotic and you work in the food service industry, it is unlikely that a conviction will have a huge impact on your career. The food service industry in most, but not all cases, will not treat minor non-violent offenses as being not a big deal.
However, contrast that situation with being convicted for a felony controlled substance crime and you work in an area that is highly regulated such as being a registered nurse, engineer, or architect, and it becomes extremely likely that a conviction will have a negative impact on your career. Even if the industry you work in is not highly regulated, the intensity of background checks these days is such that a conviction may disqualify you from many jobs that you would otherwise qualify for.
If you are being charged with a drug offense and are concerned about the impact it may have on your career you should contact a criminal defense attorney who focuses on defending drug cases. Depending on your circumstances, there may be to ways prevent your charges from negatively impacting your career. Contact Subzero Criminal Defense today. 651-248-5142.