Many cities and counties in Minnesota have gotten more aggressive about charging school bus stop arm violations. Some mistakenly equate a school bus stop arm violation as being just a traffic ticket and think it’s the same as speeding ticket or a parking fine. It’s not. Depending on what subdivision you are charged under, it can be a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor. It is actually a crime. Contrast that with speeding tickets, that are merely pretty misdemeanors, and not a crime by statute. Minn. Stat. 609.02.

If you are charged with a school bus stop arm violation under Minnesota Statute 169.444, you do not want to pay the fine and receive a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor conviction. You also don’t want increase insurance premiums based on the conviction. Contact Subzero Criminal Defense today about defending you against the school bus stop arm violation charge. 651-248-5142