Many counties in Minnesota have gotten more aggressive about charging “wrongfully obtaining assistance” under Minnesota statute 256.98. There was a time when this was only charged against people who had wrongfully obtained large sums of money over long periods of time through deliberate fraud. In recent years, that has changed. More counties are targeting people who are signed up for government assistance and have failed to report a change in job status or income. The charges can come in as little as just a few months after a job change. This can be just a mistake because of oversight or forgetfulness. But failing to report within the deadline for the assistance you are signed up for is still a crime.
You may assume that the charges can’t be that big of deal because it was just a mistake and you weren’t intending to defraud anyone. You would be mistaken. Wrongfully obtaining assistance is almost always charged out as a felony. A felony is always serious business. Contact Subzero Criminal Defense today about defending you “wrongfully obtaining assistance” charges. 651-248-5142