Category: General

Are Field Drug Tests Reliable? College Football Quarterback’s Wrongful Arrest Shows They Are Not

October 20, 2024
Subzero Criminal Defense
When the police find substances that they think may be drugs, they often perform field tests on the drug to verify if it is a controlled substance or not. The tests are not admissible in court. They are only meant to aid the

The Over 16 and Under 18 Dilemma: Child Porn Charges for an image of a 17 Year Old Girl in Minnesota

December 7, 2023
Subzero Criminal Defense
As a criminal defense attorney, I’ve encountered numerous cases that shed light on the complexities and contradictions within the legal system. One such absurdity revolves around the age of consent and child pornography

The Nightmare of Being Falsely Accused of Child Porn Possession: Blamed for your Roommate’s Actions

November 29, 2023
Subzero Criminal Defense
In today’s digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, making it easier for those around us to access our personal devices. While sharing a computer with a roommate or family member may seem...