Do I need to hire a lawyer for a school bus stop arm violation? A Minnesota criminal defense attorney explains

In Minnesota, if you fail to stop at least 20 feet before a school bus after it has its stop arm out, you can be charged with a school bus stop arm violation under Minnesota Statute 169.444. The police may have handed you a citation in person, or they may have even just mailed you a citation in the mail. If you are wondering if this is something you can handle yourself or if you should get a lawyer involved, this blog will explore with you.
Know that you are being charged with a crime
It’s important to realize at the outset that you are being charged with a crime. School bus stop arm violations are charged as either misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense. Some people assume because it’s a traffic infraction that it is not that serious. That it is similar to a speeding ticket. But it is not. A speeding ticket is a petty misdemeanor, and is not a crime. But a school bus stop arm violations is a crime. A guilty plea or a conviction in court results in something that is retained on your criminal record. There can even be the potential for jail time.
The right to defend yourself and the difficulty of actually navigating those rights in court
You have the right to defend yourself. That can save you having to pay lawyer costs. But at what cost down the road will you be paying for not hiring a lawyer? The legal system can be complicated and difficult to navigate. Judges and prosecutors will hold you to the same standards as if you were a lawyer. And the many rights you have in a criminal court can be difficult for you to vindicate if you don’t know the rules and how to navigate the system. A criminal defense attorney can protect you from being taken advantage of by prosecutors who just want easy convictions. I’ve seen too many times where a person tries to represent themselves and the prosecutor gives them a terrible plea offer, but the person representing themselves doesn’t know any better. A criminal defense attorney prevents this type of asymmetric power and levels the playing field. Your rights will be protected to the full extent of the law.
It’s helpful to have an objective third party helping you
It’s easy to be too close to your case and lose some objectivity. It’s why when doctors get sick, they go and see other doctors. It’s the same with lawyers. Lawyers hire other lawyers when they have legal issues. Why do doctors and lawyers hire others if they are already knowledgeable? Being overly familiar with your own point of view can cause you to lose sight of potential pitfalls and also overlook roads to success. As the person charged with the school bus violation you are first and foremost a witness to what happened. You were there. But a lawyer can take a step back and better analyze all of the evidence in the case and how things will play out in court. A lawyer will have a better ability to see the forest rather than get stuck fixating on only one tree.
If you have been charged with a school bus stop arm violation, you want a skilled criminal defense attorney who is knowledgeable and will advocate on your behalf. Contact Subzero Criminal Defense for a free consultation. 651-248-5142